The Sweet Bottom Plantation community embodies the following fundamental characteristics typically associated with a TND:
• Variety of housing types, sizes, land densities and harmonious architectural styles within the defined neighborhood area that establish a sense of place
• Network of neighborhood pathways and streets suitable for pedestrian walking and biking
• Inclusion of common neighborhood squares and green areas providing open park-like spaces
• Narrow, tree-lined streets with a variety of friendly patterns for a pedestrian-scaled experience, including brick walkways
• Use of shared alleyways with rear garages allowing more trees and green areas while minimizing driveways and limiting on-street parking
• Reduced street light intensity providing unobtrusive illumination and allowing the nighttime sky to be seen, including the use of gaslights
• Proximity of residences and porches to the street providing the opportunity for passers-by and residents to readily socialize
• Variety of building masses purposely sited along streets to create visual rhythm and interest relative to pedestrian viewpoints and neighboring structures
• Setbacks allowing a variety of aesthetic experiences from wide-open spaces to intimate, building-defined streetscapes.
• Range of commercial establishments and recreation within ¼ mile walking distance linked by pathways